Wednesday, 30 April 2014

AAARG! Make My Day, Punk....

L’éphéméride remis au (mauvais) goût du jour. Initialement créé par Terreur Graphique, une joyeuse ribambelle d’auteur.e.s reprend le flambeau pour AAARG!. Attention, ça brûle.
Clic le pic.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Sex work - Private Eye Extra...

In the current Private Eye magazine I spent some time speaking and hanging out with prostitutes to understand their perspective on the UK's proposals to criminalize their clients.

The mag is still only £1.50 for full services. Anything you want, baby.
Here is a little extra interview that didn't make it into the report...

Friday, 4 April 2014

Private Eye - Teachers
A lot of things are changing in British education and a lot of teachers fear for the future. More than 10,000 teachers went on strike and marched through London and I went along with them.
Buy the new Private Eye magazine to read my latest report.