Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Saturday, 14 November 2015
Thursday, 9 July 2015
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Monday, 27 October 2014
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Scene & Heard boooooook!
It would be brilliant if you read it and guess what?!
You can buy my extraordinary book here - www.samu.co.uk
John Cooper Clarke @ BBC6 Music...

BBC6 Music asked me to draw the marvellous John Cooper Clarke to promote his radio show on style & suits. How could I say no!?!

Saturday, 23 August 2014
Types of London Bars & Pubs....
Click the picture to see my versions of some of the types of bars & pubs in London.
This appeared in Tie Out London magazine but it's now online.
This appeared in Tie Out London magazine but it's now online.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Lyon superheroes!
At festival Lyon BD, artists made small works of art as gifts for the event volunteers. Here are my four...

I wonder who got them?
Monday, 14 July 2014
Walking Tribes - Time Out London
A sketch preview of something in tomorrow's Time Out London magazine. Grab one cause it's a whole page of walking delight. And it's free!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014
When The Creeps Will Meet...
I will have a bucket full of original art in a very cool London exhibition from Fri July 4th.
Here is the important information - https://www.facebook.com/events/641234685960223/
Monday, 9 June 2014
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Ce weekend: Montargis festival!
Oh yeah! Chaque des ans je fais le voyage à le world's greatest festival!
Venez et dis 'Hi' à moi et
Venez et dis 'Hi' à moi et
Nathalie Baillot - Steve Baker - Guillaume Bouzard - Christian Cailleaux
Frédéric Campoy - Cécily - Nathalie Choux - Steve Cuzor - Christian de Metter
Max de Radiguès - Edith - Nathalie Fortier - Christophe Gaultier - Goupil Acnéique
Brieg Haslé Le Gall - Jampur Fraize - Alexeï Kispredilov - Alain Kokor
Armelle Le Minor - Luluinthesky - Léon Maret - Jaime Martin - Jean-François Martin
Thierry Martin - Laureline Mattiussi - Christophe Merlin - Mezzo - Chantal Montellier
Thierry Murat - Ninie - Ruben Pellejero - Hervé Pinel - Isa Python - Thomas Priou
Rascal - Rica - Sylvain Ricard - Riff Reb’s - Christine Schneider - Loïc Sécheresse
David Sourdrille - Stan Silas - Terreur Graphique - Sébastien Vassant - Lénaïc Vilain.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
L'KUIP dans Charlie Hebdo...
Nouvelles nouvelles!
Dans Charlie Hebdo nouveau j'ai une page de reportage à Londres : les militants de l'UKIP.
Dans Charlie Hebdo nouveau j'ai une page de reportage à Londres : les militants de l'UKIP.

Have a look...
Monday, 19 May 2014
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Friday, 2 May 2014
Ethical Clothes - Private Eye
Recently it was the anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster where 1130 people died in Bangladesh making dirt cheap clothes. My latest report has a peek at what's changed in attitudes in that year with a number of protests and a visit to a UK factory to chat ethics...
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
AAARG! Make My Day, Punk....
L’éphéméride remis au (mauvais) goût du jour. Initialement créé par Terreur Graphique, une joyeuse ribambelle d’auteur.e.s reprend le flambeau pour AAARG!. Attention, ça brûle.
Clic le pic.
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Monday, 21 April 2014
Sex work - Private Eye Extra...
In the current Private Eye magazine I spent some time speaking and hanging out with prostitutes to understand their perspective on the UK's proposals to criminalize their clients.

The mag is still only £1.50 for full services. Anything you want, baby.
Here is a little extra interview that didn't make it into the report...
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Friday, 4 April 2014
Private Eye - Teachers
A lot of things are changing in British education and a lot of teachers fear for the future. More than 10,000 teachers went on strike and marched through London and I went along with them.
Buy the new Private Eye magazine to read my latest report.
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Private Eye - At The Track...
The latest Private Eye magazine is still available. In it you find my report on my day trip to the Cheltenham horse racing festival. It was an...... interesting experience.

Monday, 24 March 2014
Hipping the Hop...
Your Days Are Numbered magazine is out today!
It's full of excellent interviews and reviews and this issue is a Hip hop special.
Find one in comic shops, bars and cafes to get hold of my thing in glorious newspaper size print.
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Hip Hop...
Hunched over the desk and hard at work on a something for the next, hip hop themed, issue of

Out very soon.
Monday, 10 March 2014
Private Eye - Cyborgs!
In the current Private Eye magazine, I report on the growing trend of cyber-super-bionic prosthetic limbs.
The world of Robocop may be just around the corner!
Friday, 21 February 2014
Friday, 14 February 2014
Private Eye - Homeless...
Oops! A little late with this news but in the current Private Eye magazine you can find my little guide to keeping warm if you are homeless.
I spent some nights out in the cold chatting to the souls who live on the streets and getting some tips on not freezing to death.
In fact, you lucky chickens get to read the report on line for another week!!!!
Click the picture!
Monday, 27 January 2014
Angouleme 2014...
Mais, juste en février 1 et 2 avec Éditions Même Pas Mal.
Et si vous venir il y être un neuf ex libris avec ma livre.
Donc, venir pour un dédicace.

Peut-être je vais dédicace avec RAV mag
Alimentation Générale en sélection!
Friday, 24 January 2014
Sugar - Private Eye
We love the white stuff but are we addicted to sugar? I 'investigate' in the latest Private Eye magazine.
Out now for £1.50
Sunday, 19 January 2014
T-Shirts - Traams tour shirts...
Look at these beauties!
Grab one at a Traams gig for £15.
(Contact me or the band for more info)
Friday, 10 January 2014
Happy New Year! - Private Eye
As the clock struck midnight and the fireworks lit the night skies, I was given permission to spend New Year's Eve with the mighty volunteers who act as London's paramedics through the night. They basically deal with the drunk, very drunk and comatose drunk who 'enjoy' welcoming the new year.
Grab the current Private Eye magazine to see the report. Still £1.50!
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
TRAAMS tour poster!
It's the official tour poster for the brilliant band whose album 'Grin' is my album of 2013.
Catch them at Angouleme BD festival too! Wow!
Catch them at Angouleme BD festival too! Wow!
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