Friday, 17 June 2011

Actuellement chez votre marchand de journaux:

Les jeux à la con de Charlie Hebdo

Dessins de Besse, Charb, Luz, Riss, Tignous... and moi!!!
Prix: 4 euros - Clic la couverture -
Vous ne voulez plus voir la laideur du monde? Vous ne voulez plus rien savoir de la violence des hommes? Ne vous crevez pas les yeux! Plongez-vous dans les jeux à la con de Charlie Hebdo! Rien de ce que vous y apprendrez ne pourra gâcher vos vacances, puisque vous n’y apprendrez rien. En tout cas, ce que vous aurez appris, nous vous garantissons que vous l’aurez oublié avant la rentrée. Bronzer idiot est un droit de l’Homme! La bêtise est la plus puissante des drogues et elle est en vente libre… Bon voyage au cœur du néant.
(Trouver les réponses de mon jeu dans le dernier Charlie - 992)

Friday, 10 June 2011

Cowboy Joe....

Cowboy Joe - the new salesman for my books and stuff. Handsome, isn't he?

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

A bon weekend in Montargis....

Yes and so another fantastic festival in the French town of Montargis has passed. It was so good to see friends again and make new ones. It's always great to have people come along to have stuff scribbled in.
This year was another stunning festival of great books, great people, great food and great memories. A massive thanks to Arnaud Floc'h for creating the festival and Francois, Marie, Thomas and all the fest staff for making it special. A big thanks to all the creators too who gave me one of the warmest welcomes ever! Bring on Montargis Coince La Bulle 2012!
A quick drawing done at Montargis.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Gig reviews....Beak

This was my first attempt at this. I hope to do more of these and have them in a prominent music newspaper. News to follow. So much news is coming!!

The Sorry Entertainer is out....

The new newspaper anthology called The Sorry Entertainer was sitting on my doorstep when I got back from my recent France adventure (more about that later).
So It's out and available to buy! It's got a full page from me called Royal Rumble Rock 'n Roll Restling. Plus over 20 more sorry entertainers including Simon Moreton and Noah Van Sciver.

Buy it here for only £1.20! - Glaaagh!